Helping You Do What Matters Most…
Hey, I’m James,
a strategic coach.
I simply help you to clarify your call, cultivate your care and channel your creativity so you do what matters most.
The demands on our time and energy are ever increasing, with seemingly endless tasks that require our attention, that we either feel we should be doing or are expected from us by others.
We can easily become tired and overwhelmed, entering a cycle of doing the most seemingly urgent things that in fact have nothing to do with our priorities and desires from life. We can become paralysed and cease to make good decisions and are just swept along as life sees fit.
We ultimately lose sight of what matters most, our families, our wellbeing and what we feel called to in life.
The heart behind my coaching ethos and the resources I share are too, as simply as possible, help you stay focused on what matters most to you, maximising your time, talent & treasure so you can be as fruitful as possible.
Private Coaching
One to one & team coaching that will empower you to make change, take your next steps and gain clarity.
Follow me Daily
Daily thoughts, ideas and updates on how to manage your time and energy well. Available on Instagram
Resources & Insight
Free insights, training and tips that will help you to stay on track and be more fruitful. Available on my YouTube Channel
“People will only reach for the branch they can see. I aim to give people a view so they can see a higher branch”
— James Taylor